Real time calculation of all bottles and total valuation of your cellar. Import and export wines to and from your spreadsheet files created by Excel or from wine website like Cellar tracker. Dropbox transfer between iPhones and iPads.
Text support for all languages and special characters. Auto detects your currency, and allows currency changes. Pinch and zoom all your photos in full screen mode. Add infinite number of photos to a single wine at any resolution. Arrange cellar row information how they are arranged and shown. Search wines multiple filters e.g.( Red wines + wines made in France). Sort your cellar by vintage or name in ascending or descending order Rearrange, rename and create your own wine categories. Recommendations from critics and consumers. Search from hundreds of thousands of wines online. You purchase extra spaces based on the size of your wine cellar after the initial 10 spaces. This app gives 10 free spaces for 10 unique wines. Choose from a selection of hundreds of thousands of wines online or load it from your own spreadsheet files or Cellar Tracker. Wine Cellar Database allows you to customize your wine cellar with total flexibility. Now works with iPhone X and iPad Pro 12.9